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Welcome new colleagues to join JIANGSU GELING
  2024/03/23| View:295


       Jiangsu Geling Auto Parts Co., Ltd. carried out a new employee regularization activity on March 23, 2024. The three employees came from the sales department, the merchandise department, and the purchasing department.

       First, under the witness of the general manager and the directors of each department, the three employees reported on their work content during the probation period, their achievements and their future work plans. Then, the directors of each department sent a bouquet of flowers to the colleagues who successfully became regular employees to express their gratitude to the employees. The recognition and support of their personal efforts are also the encouragement and expectations for their future development in the company. Finally, the company prepared a variety of delicious food for all employees to express their gratitude for their hard work.

      This newcomer's regularization activity is not only an affirmation and motivation for employees, but also shows the company's care and support for employees. I believe that with the joint efforts of all employees, Jiangsu Geling Auto Parts Co., Ltd. will usher in a more brilliant future!

